I would like to tell you about a beautiful souvenir that you can buy for your loved ones on your way back from your vacation in Turkey: An evil eye bead...
As a Wall Ornament
The subject of the evil eye is found in almost every religion and civilization with different names. It is believed that the evil eye, that is, the look that does not harbor good intentions and is made with feelings such as jealousy (willingly or unwillingly), negatively affects a person (and even other living and inanimate objects). There are also different methods to protect against evil eye. Perhaps the most beautiful of them is the
evil eye bead.
Examples of Different Types of Evil Eye Beads
Evil eye beads are most often made of glass. However, plastic ones can be found, albeit rarely. Products that can be placed on items such as a display case or a table may be preferred. There are also products that can be hung on the wall. If you are considering refrigerator magnet, I can not say that there is a lot of variety.
The amulet is known as "nazar boncuğu" |
Different evil eye bead products can be found in almost every city and even district of Turkey. In fact, if you are staying in the same hotel for more than a week, maybe you can find and order many more varieties online.
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