A Contrary Street Food: Söğüş

As a culinary traveler, few joys compare to stumbling upon a dish that not only surprises your palate but also tells a rich story of its origins and culture. This humble yet exquisite dish embodies the essence of Turkish street food, brimming with history, flavor, and a touch of culinary wizardry.


What is Söğüş?

Söğüş is a traditional Turkish cold dish made from various parts of lamb, including the head, cheek, and tongue, served with a mix of fresh vegetables and herbs. Often found in the bustling streets of Izmir, it’s a favorite among locals who appreciate its refreshing yet hearty qualities.

A Journey Through Its History

The roots of söğüş trace back to ancient Anatolian cuisine, where no part of an animal was wasted, and every ingredient was cherished. This philosophy of nose-to-tail eating not only showcases respect for the animal but also highlights the resourcefulness and ingenuity of Turkish culinary traditions. Over time, söğüş evolved into a beloved street food, maintaining its rustic charm and authentic preparation methods.

The Art of Preparation

The preparation of söğüş is an art in itself. It begins with meticulously cleaning and boiling the lamb parts until they reach a perfect tenderness. Once cooked, the meat is cooled and thinly sliced. The magic of söğüş lies in its assembly: thin slices of lamb are layered with juicy tomatoes, crisp cucumbers, spicy green peppers, and a generous sprinkle of fresh parsley and mint. A drizzle of olive oil, a squeeze of lemon, and a dash of sumac add the final touches, elevating the dish to a symphony of flavors.

Tasting Söğüş

Biting into söğüş is a revelation. The tender, slightly gamey flavor of the lamb melds seamlessly with the freshness of the vegetables and the vibrant notes of herbs and spices. Each bite is a delightful contrast of textures and tastes – the succulent meat, the crunch of the vegetables, and the zing of lemon and sumac. It’s a dish that’s both comforting and invigorating, perfect for a warm day in the lively streets of Izmir.

Where to Find Söğüş

While söğüş can be found in various regions of Türkiye, its heart and soul lie in Izmir. Strolling through the city’s markets and street food stalls, you’ll find numerous vendors proudly serving their version of this traditional dish. For the best experience, look for stalls that have a crowd of locals – always a good sign of authenticity and quality.

The photo is from the restaurant named "Söğüşcü Aco" located in Bostanlı of İzmir. It is the only place I like and have visited so far...

Making Söğüş at Home

If you’re inspired to bring a taste of Türkiye into your own kitchen, making söğüş at home is a rewarding endeavor. While sourcing the lamb parts might require a visit to a specialty butcher, the rest of the ingredients are easily accessible. The key to a great söğüş is patience in preparation and a generous hand with the fresh herbs and seasonings.


Söğüş is more than just a dish; it’s a testament to the rich culinary heritage of Türkiye. It reflects a culture that values tradition, ingenuity, and the communal joy of sharing good food. Whether you’re wandering the vibrant streets of Izmir or experimenting in your kitchen, söğüş promises a delightful journey for your taste buds and a deeper appreciation for Turkish cuisine.

Next time you find yourself craving something unique and flavorful, give söğüş a try. It’s a culinary adventure that’s sure to leave a lasting impression.
